The Brotherhood of KKBE is an organization where men gather to meet for the social, spiritual and continuing education needs of its brothers. Participation enables members to practice Jewish values, and thus, provide service and charitable deeds--tikkun olam--to our congregation, the Jewish community and the community at large.
Consider joining us at a Brotherhood meeting or at one of our many activities. Get involved as much or as little as you like -- you are always welcome. The first year of Brotherhood membership is free for new temple members and annual dues are $40/year. We work together on projects and events that benefit KKBE and the entire KKBE community, and that offer enjoyment to our members.
Renew Your Brotherhood Membership
If you are a new member to KKBE since January 20234, your first year dues are waived. Please contact Neal Gordon ( with your contact information so you can be added to the Brotherhood membership list.
Renew by sending your check to Neal Gordon, Brotherhood Treasurer, or complete THIS FORM to renew your membership online. Brotherhood Dues levels are as follows:
Issac - $90
Jacob - $45
KKBE Brotherhood c/o Neal Gordon
1533 Asher Avenue, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466
Upcoming Brotherhood Events
Previous Brotherhood Programs
March 13, 2024 at 7:00 pm: Zoom Presentation on US Politics with Rich Mancill. Watch the recording HERE.
February 1, 2024 at 7:00 pm: Lifelong Learning "Israel on Campus" with Dr. Joshua Shanes. Co-sponsored by the KKBE Brotherhood. Watch the recording HERE.
October 18, 2023 at 7:00 pm: "Alzheimer’s Disease: A Research Update and the Impact of Music" with Dr. Jacobo Mintzer. Watch the recording HERE.
October 4, 2023 at 7:00 pm: "Developments in Cardiac Health" with Dr. Sayyad Kyazimizade. Watch the recording HERE.