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Covid Guidelines

Covid and Covid Variant Guidelines

Vaccinations have resulted in substantially fewer people contracting COVID, and those who do contract it have experienced milder symptoms, as well as fewer hospitalizations and deaths. As a result, the CDC has revised its indoor masking requirements for counties based on three factors: the number of COVID hospitalized patients, hospital capacity, and the community infection rate (number of new cases). Using these metrics, the CDC regularly reviews and rates counties at either a LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH Level. Individuals in LOW or MEDIUM Level communities are not required to wear masks, while those in HIGH Level communities are required to wear masks. Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester counties are all currently in the MEDIUM category.

Based on current statistics indicating that vaccinated individuals are not at a high risk for hospitalization or death if they do contract COVID, KKBE is adopting the following revised Relaxed COVID Guidelines effective, Wednesday, July 20, 2022:

  • Masks are not required to be worn by congregants, service participants, clergy, or musicians while in the building. Individuals at high risk for severe illness are advised to consult their healthcare provider about whether they need to wear a mask or take other precautions.
  • The requirements that everyone entering the building must be fully vaccinated and register proof of vaccination in advance or provide proof at time of entry are suspended.
  • Pre-registration for services and in-person events is recommended. Individuals who choose to attend once registration has closed should not be discouraged from attending. They should attempt to contact the office and come to the service or event.
  • Spacing/distancing requirements are no longer required. A small area of the Sanctuary will be reserved for those who wish to observe spacing.
  • Food service is permitted in the Social Hall and all meeting areas (except the Sanctuary).
  • In person meetings are permitted but must be arranged through the office.

Religious School

  • Teachers, madrichim, teacher assistants, and staff are required to have received the most up to date vaccine (unless they possess a documented medical excuse) and be trained in the COVID-19 protocols. This requirement will go into effect no later than October 1, 2022.  
  • All students, teachers, madrichim, teacher assistants, and staff will self-screen before coming to KKBE for temperature greater than 100.5 degrees F and/or any symptoms of COVID-19 infection. They should not attend religious school if any of these symptoms are present or if someone in the household has a positive COVID test, until they obtain a negative COVID test.
  • If children develop any COVID symptoms during the school day, they will be isolated and sent home and not permitted to return to school until they obtain a negative COVID test.
  • HEPA filtered air purifier units will be maintained in all classrooms and meeting rooms, and all HVAC systems will be fitted with Ultraviolet (UV) Light systems to destroy viruses and clean recirculated air.
  • There will be hygienic cleaning of all surfaces and furniture in the building. 
  • There will be no-touch hand sanitizer stations for use upon entering the building and after using restrooms.
  • If children contract COVID within the four days following attendance at religious school, parents will notify the religious school Director immediately.
  • Drop-offs and pick-ups will take place outdoors, or on the first floor of the building. Parents/guardians are not permitted in the classroom areas of the building without obtaining prior approval.

In addition to the above, the campus-wide Quarantine/ Masking Requirements remain in effect and apply to anyone seeking entry to KKBE:

If you have a positive COVID-19 test, do not come to KKBE in-person until you have been without symptoms of a cold, respiratory or viral illness and feel well for at least 5 days. Please consider not coming to KKBE in-person during the entire 10 days after a positive COVID-19 test.
If you are exposed to an individual with COVID- 19: do not come to KKBE in person during the first 5 days after COVID-19 exposure. (Please consider not coming to KKBE in-person during the entire 10 days post-exposure period unless you have a negative COVID-19 test after day 5.)
If you fall in either of the above categories and come to KKBE in-person during the second 5 days of your exposure period, please wear an N95/KN95 mask until you are at least 10 days post exposure or a positive test.

August 24, 2022

Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785