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Mitzvah Member Program

Mitzvah Membership is an Annual Giving program which provides funding to help close the gap between membership dues and expenses, a challenge at all synagogues.  Annual contributions touch all aspects of our congregational family and we are extremely grateful for your support.  Download our Mitzvah Membership Brochure here or fill out the form below.

If you have a ShulCloud account, please login before making your donation.

Thank you for participating in the Mitzvah Member Program!  Your generous donation will help cover the gap between membership dues and expenses, a challenge for all synagogues.


Founders Society:  $55,000+
King David Society:  $27,500+
Circle of Generations:  $11,000+
Circle of Vision:  $5,500+
Circle of Understanding:  $2,750+
Circle of Spirit:  $1,100+
Circle of Hope:  $550
Patrons:  $275+
Fellows:  $110+
Contributors:  $55+


Sun, September 15 2024 12 Elul 5784