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KKBE's Mitzvah Day

Sunday, May 21, 2023 1 Sivan 5783

11:00 AM - 3:00 PM


A distinguishing aspect of Judaism is that it is a religion of action. It’s not enough to simply have faith; we are commanded to act on that faith - to observe the commandments (mitzvot) and do good deeds. In that spirit, we are happy to be bringing Mitzvah Day back to KKBE. On Sunday, 5/21, we will gather as a community in the sanctuary and then take part in a variety of volunteer opportunities to pray with our feet and give back to our community. Please read the descriptions below and select a project according to your ability. We have a range of choices from minimal effort to literally rolling up our sleeves and getting busy! These opportunities are available to ALL members of the community, children to adults, singles to families, members of KKBE and beyond. Just imagine our impact if we can ALL do a single mitzvah on that day! 

Volunteer Activities

1. FLORAL ARRANGING – Participants will learn the basics of floral arrangement, and will then deliver the arrangements to our homebound congregants. CAPTAIN: Jane Norris. Max number in class: 20 

2. BAKING CLASS - Sara Benfield will lead a class on baking cookies and muffins, which will then be packed and delivered to local fire stations in Charleston. CO-CAPTAINS: Sara Benfield & Lila Trussler. Max number in class: 20 

3. HUGUENIN CEMETERY CLEAN UP - Honor our ancestors by cleaning the headstones and clearing the grounds of debris and weeds. Bring your own gloves and tools if you can, but some will be provided. Wear appropriate clothing for yardwork. CAPTAIN: Scott Cohen. No limit to participants. 
4. THE BLOOD CONNECTION BLOOD DRIVE - Technicians will be on hand to collect blood donations in the Social Hall. Reservations preferred; walk-ins will be accepted as space allows. This drive will be held In Memory of Irene Gilbert, and TBC will donate $20 per donor to KKBE’s Social Action Fund. CAPTAIN: Mark Swick. No limit to participants. Go to to sign up for a time in advance.

5. GADSDEN CREEK CLEAN UP - Become a citizen scientist for a day and partner with the South Carolina Aquarium to clean up the last remaining tidal creek in Charleston. Data collected will be used to track what kind of debris is polluting the creek. All supplies and a water refill station will be provided. Bring a reusable water bottle, sunscreen, bug repellent, closed-toe shoes or mud boots. CAPTAIN: Ross Gertner. No limit to participants. 

6. BE THE MATCH - Participants must be between 18 and 40. Save a life by swabbing your cheek! You can become part of the registry to potentially donate blood stem cells, if you are a match. Swabbing is done at the time of registration, and takes less than 10 minutes. Learn facts versus myths of donating blood stem cells. Your healthy stem cells can treat or cure over 70 blood cancers and diseases!

Donation Opportunities

1. PERSONAL HYGIENE ITEM DRIVE - We will be collecting personal hygiene items in a box, located in the lobby. Please be sure nothing is expired or open. Items needed the most include toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, soap, shampoo, diapers, formula, and feminine products. On Mitzvah Day, we will gather to pack items into small kits to be delivered to various Blessing Boxes in downtown Charleston as well as to Neighbors Together in North Charleston. 

2. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES - JFS will be collecting grocery cards and gas cards for those in need. 

Sign up is required in advance for all projects. Please select your project(s) and your t-shirt size below. If there is no Captain listed, we are seeking volunteers to step up and help arrange the details. Minimal work involved. Please contact the KKBE Office at 843-723-1090 with any questions or for help registering.


Limit 20
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