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Shabbat Ushers & Greeters

Thank you for your interest in volunteering as a Shabbat Greeter or Usher! Please select your preferred service(s) below. Upon completion, our Office staff or Welcome Committee will reach out to you with further instructions.

Our ushers and greeters are often the first contact our congregants and guests have when arriving at services. It is so important to have friendly, knowledgeable, and dedicated volunteers to welcome them.

Stationed in the Lobby just inside the main entrance, Ushers are responsible for:
  • Greeting attendees with a warm welcome and “Shabbat Shalom”
  • Providing a parking validation sticker and Shabbat Program
  • Helping congregants into the building or to their seats when needed
  • Serving as an additional set of eyes and ears for our security team and helping to identify threats or suspicious individuals
Stationed at the table next to the Gift Shop and across from the Sanctuary, Greeters are responsible for:
  • Welcoming congregants and guests once they have entered the building
  • Encouraging attendees to create and wear a nametag
  • Connecting interpersonally with attendees and helping them to feel welcomed and comfortable in our space
Please use one sign up per person. If a couple would like to volunteer together, please submit individual forms.

Greeter Signup
Usher Signup

Sun, September 15 2024 12 Elul 5784